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Approach your Fatigue Failure

Approach your Fatigue FailureI have not failed 1,000 times, I have successfully found 1,000 ways that will not make a light bulb.” This quote from Thomas Edison , or at least some version of it, is the mantra of every successful entrepreneur.

Encountering failure as an entrepreneur can be crushing, especially if you’re new to the experience. We learn about failure in life.

I’m not here to say there is a no such things as failure , Failure is a very real but  it is not an end of destination , it’s a another event course of life.

Failure can drag you down or lift you up. Does failure stop you in your tracks and riddle you with doubt? Or does it cause you to examine yourself and apply those lessons to what is next? It’s all about your approach to what happens next. For every person on the planet, failure can be one of the greatest lessons -- not just in business but life in general.

How to approach your beginning Failure : 

Here are some important tips I’ve learned from failure and by heeding these, you may approach your beginning failure as a successful one. 

Accept  the opportunity

What’s done is done. There's no point worrying about your mistakes. The past cannot be changed. Instead, use your energy to impact the future. These is a way you will accept even single bit of opportunity. 

 Learn from failure

You’re probably familiar with the popular saying that “there is no failure, only feedback”. I think that is a very powerful and inspiring statement. However, it is also incomplete.It is true that failure can constitute feedback regarding what you’re doing wrong, which permits you to adjust your actions until you’re doing things right, which leads to success. 

But it won’t constitute feedback and lead to success by itself.It’s not enough to just fail in order get useful feedback and ultimately to succeed. If it were enough, there would be plenty more successful people out there. You also need to actually study failure, understand it and learn from it. Only then it constitutes valuable feedback, and thus it paves the way to success.  

Spend some time to Figure yourself

Analyze the situation and try to answer the questions , as honestly as you can. Did you believe in yourself? At what moment did you feel doubt or fear of failure? Were you motivated enough? Did you act on the right information and use it correctly?Was your goal important, relevant and achievable for you? Where and when did things go wrong? Maybe you need to re-create your goals and steps and take all your disadvantages into consideration. 

Don’t Panic

No matter how big or small your failure is, it’s possible to look at it as a learning experience. So Don’t Panic. Even if your entire business goes under, you can take the lessons you learned from this failure and apply them to your next venture.Keep calm and Don’t Panic 

Work Hard

There is only one way for me to motivate myself to work hard:I don't think about it as hard work.  I think about it as part of making myself into who I want to be.  I want to be a hard-working person. 

Make the Opportunity

Don't be afraid. Do it again. Do it now. Do it better. Do it right and finish what you’ve started. And celebrate every victory, especially the small ones.Above all, keep in mind that you are not the first person to fail . . . and then, ultimately, succeed big-time.


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